How to add trees to your landscape in Unreal Engine

How to add trees to your landscape in Unreal Engine

Add trees (and grass) by painting them on to your landscape.

Painting Trees

  1. You will first have to import foliage or tree assets into your project. (You can use the Marketplace, Quixel Bridge, or any other source of assets.)

  2. Change "Selection Mode" to "Foliage Mode".

  3. In the Foliage pane, you will see an area that says "+ Drop Foliage Here".
    Drag and drop your tree assets already in your project into this area.

    1. Tip: In your Content Browser, click the filter button on top and select "Static Mesh" to help find your foliage.
  4. With at least one foliage asset added, you should now be able to paint that foliage onto the landscape.

    1. If you cannot, make sure:

      1. The "Paint" tool is selected at the top of the Foliage pane.

      2. The foliage asset is checked (hover your mouse over it to see).

  5. Add a mix of grasses and flowers (and any other ground assets) and you can paint them all together.


  • Angle: When you paint trees on slopes you will notice they come out at like a 90-degree angle from the slope. This is unnatural. To avoid this, click on the tree asset in the Foliage pane, then in the properties > Placement > uncheck "Align to Normal".

  • Density: When it comes to trees you may notice the default settings are too dense. Select the tree assets and in the properties go to Painting > Density and reduce the number to thin out the trees.

  • Random Heights: Randomize the tree heights by going to Painting > Scale X > and adjusting the Min and Max values.

  • Trees on Cliffs: You probably don't want trees on slopes that are beyond a certain angle. By default, an asset cannot be placed on a slope greater than 45 degrees. You can adjust this angle in Placement > Ground Slope Angle.