How to create procedural hills for your landscape in Unreal Engine

How to create procedural hills for your landscape in Unreal Engine

Who wants a flat landscape? Nobody!


  • Landmass


  1. Switch from Selection Mode to Landscape Mode

  2. Manage Tab > New Landscape > Create (if needed)

  3. Sculpt Tab > Blueprint - Change Blueprint Brush to "CustomBrush_MaterialOnly"

  4. With the landscape selected, click anywhere on the landscape

  5. In Details > 1) Brush Settings > Material > Brush Material > click the dropdown > click the gear icon next to search > Make sure the following are turned on:

    1. Show Engine Content

    2. Show Plugin Content

  6. Search for a "noise" brush material and select one (like "GenNoise_02_Voronoi")

  7. You probably won't see any hills until you start increasing the properties below the Brush Material, such as the Tiling, Elevation Scale, etc.


  • I can't seem to sculpt the landscape in any way if I'm using the CustomBrush_MaterialOnly

  • You can use other Blueprint Brushes together and it'll work